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Top fertility podcasts to help you feel supported

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If you want to learn more about fertility or hear from others on a similar journey to you, podcasts are a great way to feel supported. It can be very lonely and overwhelming going through a fertility experience, yet 15% of us experience it every year. 

Whether you’re trying to conceive, planning a family as a same-sex couple, going through the adoption process or simply want to hear others’ experiences, there’s a bunch of excellent podcasts to put your ear to.

Here we share the best fertility podcasts to listen to.

Best fertility podcasts

1. Let’s Talk Fertility with Izzy Judd

Let’s Talk Fertility could be seen as the best fertility podcast in terms of relatability and authenticity; emotionally supporting and informing listeners struggling with fertility issues, whilst taking an open and honest look at the hosts’ own fertility journey. 

Izzy Judd explores people’s paths to parenthood and shares holistic and medical expertise and advice. Having gone through years of trying to conceive, as well as a devastating miscarriage and two rounds of IVF, Izzy wanted to share her story whilst opening up the conversation around fertility to help support other people who may be experiencing the same things. 

Honest, raw and relatable – this podcast gives a human touch as well as an expert one.

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2. The Fertility Podcast

Amongst the top fertility podcasts in the UK is the aptly named ‘The Fertility Podcast’, which aims to educate and empower listeners about fertility choices whilst offering empathy and understanding too. 

It offers over 300 expert interviews & real life stories talking following differing paths to parenthood from around the globe, with each episode talking through a specific subject from a full range of topics; from self-care to male infertility to fertility benefits which we had the pleasure of talking through as a guest on the show. 

Hosted by Natalie Silverman and co-hosted by Kate Davies, The Fertility Podcast is heart led as well as scientific, and features topical conversations with leading fertility experts plus with women and men who share their stories.

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IVFML is hosted by husband-and-wife duo Simon Ganz and Anna Almendrala – a comedy writer and health reporter respectively – who share their journey toward parenthood with frank, humorous discussions on the humiliations and hilarity of infertility, miscarriage, and IVF; offering a male and female perspective. 

This podcast is humorous and informative, offering information as well as light relief for what can be an intense and emotional journey. 

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4. The Fertility Warriors Podcast 

The Fertility Warriors Podcast helps women survive the rocky road and stress of trying to conceive – whether experiencing loss, navigating IVF, IUI and infertility or simply finding it more difficult to conceive than we thought it would be. 

Hosted by Robyn Birkin, each episode shares mindset hacks, real talk, practical tips plus interviewees stories on how they’ve navigated their own rocky road. This podcast aims to help you feel more confident, calmer and supported in your journey. 

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5. Fertility Docs Uncensored

Fertility Docs Uncensored is the perfect alternative to the place we so often turn to when it comes to finding medical answers; Dr Google. Hosts Brandy Thomas and Dr Carrie Bediant however are on a mission to provide the real answers away from hitting that search button. Answers which come from real fertility Doctors who are ready to separate fact from fiction.

This podcast shares personal experiences from infertility patients, as well as talking through what to expect from IVF, with a ‘no holding back’ approach.

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6. Fearlessly Fertile

Fearlessly Fertile is a podcast all about being fearless… and fertile! Podcast host Rosanne Austin- former state prosecutor turned Fertility Fairy Godmother, helps women around the world to tap into the most powerful resource they have in getting pregnant against the odds… their mindset. 

Rosanne shares her own journey in beating the statistics to conceive naturally at age 43, plus she gives quick hits of insider information on how to think, believe and take action like a woman who succeeds on her fertility journey. Fearlessly Fertile takes an empowering, informational and educational look at fertility whilst answering key questions around subjects such as IVF, Endometriosis, wellbeing and miscarriage.

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7. Miracles Happen fertility podcast

Miracles Happen is a spiritual based podcast aimed at helping you to balance mind, body and soul for optimal fertility. 

Maria Rothenburger PhD is a therapist, fertility coach, clinical hypnotherapist, and spirit baby intuitive who highlights much more than improving just your physical fertility, sharing tips on connecting to spirit and/or finding meaning in listener’s experiences, whilst giving practical tools for developing a fertile mindset too.

‘Miracles happen’ blends science and spirituality together to help listeners move towards their dream of conception.

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8. If These Ovaries Could Talk

Hosted by Jaimie Kelton & E~ Bradshaw – Winner of PCA Podcast Awards Best LGBTQ Podcast – ‘If These Ovaries Could Talk’ is about two lesbians who talk about making babies and non-traditional families. 

Humorous and in-depth, they share their journey as well as their hopes, fears and setbacks and are on a mission to normalise, elevate and celebrate their non-traditional route to parenthood.

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Further resources and support

Here at Apryl we understand how complex the subject of fertility can be and are here to help you overcome inequality in becoming a parent. Get in touch to find out how we can discuss fertility benefits with your employer in the workplace.

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Let’s talk about how fertility and family forming benefits can support your employees.

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